
Advertising & Marketing on Amazon

November 22, 2023

Amazon Advertising Metrics: Which KPIs Should You Track for Success?

Tracking and analyzing the right metrics is crucial for measuring the success of your Amazon advertising campaigns. By understanding and monitoring key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your advertising strategies. In this article, we will explore the Amazon advertising metrics that you should track for success. By focusing on these metrics, you can effectively measure the performance of your campaigns and drive better results on Amazon.

Adapt KPIs tracked to your PPC strategy

Tailoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategy on Amazon is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. This tailoring must be aligned with your business's specific goals, allowing for more accurate and relevant measurement of campaign success.

When developing a PPC strategy, consider the following objectives:

  1. Improving Organic Ranking: If your goal is to enhance organic search visibility, track KPIs like organic search rank improvements, click-through rates (CTR), and overall organic traffic growth. These metrics will indicate how well your paid campaigns are boosting your organic presence.
  2. Boosting Sales: For strategies focused on driving sales, closely monitor conversion rates, Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS), and Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS). These metrics provide direct insights into the profitability and effectiveness of your ad spend in relation to sales.
  3. Brand and Product Page Defense: If protecting your brand and product pages is a priority, pay attention to metrics like share of voice, brand search impression share, and the performance of branded keyword campaigns. These KPIs help assess how well you're defending against competitors’ ad placements.
  4. Creating Awareness: In awareness-driven campaigns, broader metrics like total reach, impressions, and engagement rates are more relevant. These indicators help understand how effectively your ads are reaching and resonating with a larger audience.

Each objective demands a unique set of KPIs for effective tracking. It's important to remember that the level at which these KPIs are tracked (global, product-specific, etc.) can greatly influence the insights you gain. Regularly revisiting and adjusting these KPIs based on campaign performance and evolving business goals is essential for continual optimization and success in your Amazon advertising journey.

Organize your campaigns to simplify the tracking of relevant KPIs

Effective organization of your Amazon PPC campaigns is a foundational step in streamlining the tracking of your key performance indicators (KPIs). Grouping your products into coherent campaigns based on similarities such as product category, target audience, or advertising objectives makes it easier to monitor and analyze relevant metrics.

For example, segmenting campaigns by product line or strategies allows for more precise tracking of performance data, helping to identify which products or strategies are yielding the best results. This segmentation also facilitates quicker adjustments, as you can easily pinpoint which specific campaigns need optimization.

Moreover, a well-structured campaign setup enhances the clarity of data interpretation. By avoiding overlapping or mixed-category campaigns, you ensure that the performance data you collect is directly attributable to specific advertising strategies. This direct correlation between campaigns and KPIs not only simplifies analysis but also aids in making more informed decisions about budget allocation, bid adjustments, and creative changes.

In summary, a well-organized campaign structure is key to effectively tracking and managing your Amazon PPC KPIs, leading to more efficient and successful advertising outcomes.

Key KPIs for Effective Amazon Advertising

Cost-Per-Click (CPC):

  • Definition: CPC calculates the cost for each individual click on your ad.
  • Calculation: Divide the total cost of your clicks by the number of clicks.
  • Application: Use CPC to evaluate ad spend efficiency. High CPC may indicate a need to refine your targeting or bidding strategy.

Conversion Rate (CVR):

  • Definition: CVR is the percentage of clicks on your ad that result in a sale or desired action.
  • Calculation: Divide the number of conversions by the total number of clicks, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
  • Application: Track CVR to gauge how well your ad converts interest into action. Improving your product pages or adjusting pricing can enhance CVR.

Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS):

  • Definition: ACoS shows how much you spend on ads for each dollar of revenue generated.
  • Calculation: Divide the total ad spend by the total sales generated from ads, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
  • Application: ACoS helps assess ad campaign profitability. Aim for a lower ACoS to improve efficiency and return on ad spend.

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS):

  • Definition: ROAS calculates the revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising.
  • Calculation: Divide the total revenue generated from ads by the total ad spend.
  • Application: ROAS is a key indicator of overall campaign effectiveness. Higher ROAS means better performance and financial return.

Useless KPIs


  • Definition: Impressions measure the frequency with which your ad appears.
  • In-Depth Analysis: On Amazon, impressions are influenced by multiple factors. First, there are various ad placements for Sponsored Products, each with distinct levels of engagement and conversion potential. Second, Amazon may display your product ad multiple times for a single search query. Third, Amazon experiences fluctuating traffic patterns. These variables make it challenging to derive consistent insights from impression data, except during the initial launch phase. In this early stage, a low number of impressions could indicate potential issues with your listing or SEO strategies.

Click-Through Rate (CTR):

  • Definition: CTR is the ratio of clicks on your ad to the number of times it's displayed.
  • Calculation: To calculate CTR, divide the total number of clicks your ad receives by the total number of impressions, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
  • In-Depth Analysis: The reliability of CTR as a metric on Amazon is affected by the same factors that influence impressions. Given that Amazon showcases various ad placements with differing engagement potentials and can repeatedly display your ad for the same query, interpreting CTR can be complex. High CTR may not always correlate with effective ad performance due to these variable factors. Additionally, fluctuating site traffic can further skew CTR readings. Therefore, while CTR can provide insights into ad engagement, its effectiveness as a standalone metric is limited, and it should be considered alongside other performance indicators.

Advanced KPIs for In-Depth Amazon Advertising Analysis

Total Advertising Cost of Sales (TACOS):

  • Definition: TACOS measures the impact of your ad spend on your overall sales, encompassing both direct and indirect effects.
  • Calculation: Calculate TACOS by dividing the total ad spend by the total sales revenue (including both ad-driven and organic sales), then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
  • Application: TACOS offers a comprehensive view of advertising efficiency, revealing how ad spend influences total sales. It's crucial for balancing investment in ads with the growth of organic sales.

Organic Search Volume:

  • Definition: This KPI tracks the frequency of searches for your product or related keywords on Amazon.
  • Calculation: Measured using specialized software tools that analyze search frequency data.
  • Application: Use this metric to gauge market demand and customer interest. High organic search volume indicates strong market presence and can guide keyword optimization and content strategy.


  • Definition: Cannibalization assesses how your advertising affects the sales of your other products, potentially shifting sales rather than creating new ones.
  • Calculation: Analyze sales data before and after ad campaigns for different products to identify shifts in sales patterns.
  • Application: Monitoring cannibalization helps ensure that ads contribute to net sales growth. It's important to adjust ad strategies if ads are only redistributing sales among products rather than increasing overall sales.


Tracking and analyzing the right Amazon advertising metrics is essential for measuring the success of your campaigns and optimizing your advertising strategies. By monitoring metrics such as ACoS, ROAS, CTR, conversion rate, impressions, reach, CPC, and ROI, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve results. Regularly review and analyze these metrics to identify areas for optimization and drive better outcomes on Amazon. With a comprehensive understanding of your advertising metrics, you can refine your strategies, maximize your return on investment, and achieve success in your Amazon advertising endeavors.